Get To Know The SEUW Board: Kim Burma

Collage of Kim Burma, Sioux Empire United Way Campaign Chair 2025

Sioux Empire United Way is excited to introduce our 2025 Campaign Chair, Kim Burma!

Kim was born and raised in rural Anthon, IA. After her high school graduation, she attended the University of South Dakota and moved to Sioux Falls in 1988. Four short years later, she began working at Midco and has now been with the company for 32 years! Kim originally started in radio sales and has since been promoted to Senior Advertising Agency Account Executive.

In this insightful Q&A, we delve into the experiences and motivations behind Kim's years of dedicated service to Sioux Empire United Way. Join us as we uncover her passion for spreading the SEUW message, educating our community, and making an impact!


Kim Burma, Sioux Empire United Way Campaign Chair, and her family.

Outdoor portrait of Kim Burma and her family.


Q&A with Kim Burma

What was your original connection to Sioux Empire United Way & why did you decide to get involved? 

I attended a Midcontinent United Way rally and one of the presenters was Joe H Floyd. He spoke with such passion about SEUW and the communities we serve and encouraged all employees to get involved in some way. I donated that day and connected with United Way to sign up to volunteer. I was assigned to Team 2 and several years later I had the privilege to co-chair and chair the Women Unite event. Bob Thimjon asked me to join his Corporate Division team which led to Corporate Division team lead to Corporate Division chair and now Campaign Chair. I am so fortunate to have an employer that encourages community service. Midco has allowed me to help those in need in the Sioux Empire.


As a Sioux Empire United Way supporter and volunteer for nearly 20 years, tell us about the moment you were asked to chair the 2025 Sioux Empire United Way Campaign.

The SEUW staff set up a meeting with me and incoming board chair, Kate Kotzea. I was a fairly new SEUW board member and was a Corporate Division Campaign Chair so I thought we would be discussing upcoming board or campaign items. We gathered in a conference room and BAM; Kate asked the question - ”We would like you to chair the 2025 Sioux Empire United Way Campaign – do you accept?” I was speechless, stunned and very honored. After volunteering for so many years, I knew the huge impact SEUW has on the Sioux Empire. I accepted and today work with the very talented and dedicated SEUW staff, board, and hundreds of volunteers.


The annual campaign sets a monetary goal, as the Chair, what goals do you have for yourself, the team of volunteers, and the community?

As the Sioux Empire grows, so does our community needs for children, vulnerable adults, and people in crisis.

Community – achieve or exceed the dollar goal for community needs, grow the number of donors and volunteers to the SEUW and spread the message of the SEUW.

Volunteers – maintain and grow the volunteer base, develop volunteer opportunities, and assist in spreading the message of the SEUW.

Myself - achieve or exceed the dollar goal for community needs, grow the number of donors to the SEUW and spread the message of the SEUW.


What are you looking forward to as the SEUW Campaign Chair for 2025? 

To continue the SEUW mission to lead, sustain and nurture a unified, effective response to community needs. I am also excited to work alongside all the amazing volunteers and staff of the SEUW. Of course, I want our team to meet the goal provided by the Community Impact volunteers, but at the same time we need to continue educating our communities about the impact of the SEUW and how we can serve those in need together through our relationships with our partner agencies.


2023 and 2024 Sioux Empire United Way Campaign Chairs hugging at the SEUW Thank You Event.

Tim Blotske & Kim Burma, 2024 & 2025 Campaign Chairs at SEUW Thank You Event. 


What is one thing you wish our audience knew about Sioux Empire United Way? 

I wish everyone could witness the hard work and dedication that our community impact volunteers pour into determining the needs of the community. They truly treat these dollars as their own and are committed to ensuring they are used wisely. When you give to the United Way, you can be certain that the programs receiving your funds have been vetted to ensure they are needed, not duplicating other efforts, and are leading to positive outcomes in the lives of children, vulnerable adults, and people in crisis.


As a long-term volunteer for SEUW, what advice do you have for individuals interested in volunteering and why do you continue volunteering with us? 

It is truly so gratifying to volunteer for an organization that makes such a positive impact in our communities. There are so many ways to give your time to SEUW…the first step is to try…you will make a difference!! Join our team – we need you!!


Besides SEUW, what other organizations or nonprofits are you involved with in our community?  

In addition to United Way, I'm heavily involved in Sioux Falls Sports Authority, Children’s Home Society, Sioux Falls SME, Sioux Falls Cares, Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, the University of South Dakota Board of Trustees and Howling Pack as well as other organizations.


What final words do you have for our readers? 

Thank you to those who volunteer and donate. You are impacting people’s lives in the Sioux Empire. Thank you for to those who may consider volunteering or donating – we need you!


Kim Burma Headshot

Kim Burma, SEUW 2025 Campaign Chair