2025 Day of Action


On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Sioux Empire United Way held their very first Day of Action! They deployed skilled and motivated volunteers to lend a hand to SEUW partner agencies impacting the lives of children, vulnerable adults, and people in crisis throughout the Sioux Empire. 

Day of Action is an incredible opportunity to learn more about our partner agencies while making a direct impact in the lives of those they serve. Whether your organization encourages volunteer time off or prioritizes team outings, our agencies would love to have you 💙

Ready to sign up for 2025? Jump to our registration details!


Day of Action Projects

Logos for each of the Sioux Empire United Way funded agencies

Over 15 Sioux Empire United Way funded agencies will partner alongside Volunteer United for this year's Day of Action! We'll work together to complete much-needed volunteer projects, raise awareness around community issues, and help our neighbors in need. 

This year agencies are requesting help with:

  • Cleaning and sanitizing toys
  • Serving meals and packing sack lunches
  • Preparing raised garden beds for spring
  • Sorting through book donations
  • Cleaning interior spaces
  • Delivering furniture
  • Refreshing paint

Day of Action Impact

Volunteer United Group Photo from Rake the Town

SEUW has been driving positive change for nearly 100 years in our community and we couldn't do it without the help of our agencies, volunteers, and supporters! This year we're hoping to recruit 150 individuals to help us complete our largest volunteer event yet!

We believe Day of Action will not only benefit our SEUW partners but also contribute to the greater good of our community. By working together, Day of Action can help:

  • Express the philanthropic spirit of our community.
  • Educate community members about SEUW funded programs.
  • Build connections between agencies, volunteers, and supporters. 

Day of Action Schedule

12:50 PM - Arrive at project site

1:00 PM - Receive an agency tour & introduction

1:15 PM - Begin agency projects

3:30 PM - Wrap up your agency project

3:45 PM - Leave assigned agency

4:00 PM - Celebrate with drinks and heavy Hors d'Oeuvres

Group photo of Volunteer United members at St. Francis House

Day of Action Registration

Interested in participating in the 2025 Day of Action? We would love to have you!

Just click on one of the buttons below to register 💙

Day of Action Sponsors

Day of Action couldn't happen without the support of our incredible corporate sponsors!

Interested in sponsoring the 2025 Day of Action? Check out our Partnership Guide or request a sponsorship today!


Journey Group Construction Logo


Grand Prairie Foods Logo

First Bank & Trust Logo

Think 3D Solutions Logo


Think 3D Solutions Logo

Year-Round Volunteer Opportunities

In 2023, Volunteer United created over 16,300 instances of impact with the help of 115 volunteers!

To learn more about Volunteer United & check out our upcoming events, just click the link below 💙


If you have any questions about Day of Action or Volunteer United, please contact Ivy Cirillo (ivy@seuw.org or 605-336-2095).