Sioux Empire United Way is very grateful for the leaders of our community who give their time, energy, and passion to our organization. We are grateful for our community leaders who serve on our Board of Directors. We are excited to introduce you to our new Chair for 2020.

1. Volunteering is one component of your life, what does your day-to-day look like? How do you juggle your volunteerism/Board leadership with your professional and personal responsibilities?
Working as a commercial lender with U.S. Bank means every day is different as I work with clients as well as make time for new business development plus volunteering. Time management is critical. I feel I am a better person when I volunteer as I learn so much from fellow board members, staff and their volunteers.
2. What are your hobbies?
I love to fish and camp. Every August, we haul our camper to a lake resort in Northern MN for a week with 3 of my 6 of my siblings, plus their families. In all, we have about 40 people from our family that enjoy the week together. I also try to fit in walking a couple miles every day which helps clear my head, gives me a new perspective.
3. What inspires you?
Trying every day to be present for people and to ‘see’ God’s hidden blessings in this world.
4. What are you reading?
I am actually going to re-read Diary of Anne Frank as I feel it can inspire me in this current environment which seems to be shifting minute by minute.
5. What is your favorite lunch spot in the Sioux Empire?
Mama Ladas
6. As spring nears and hopefully summer too- what are you looking forward to?
Time camping and at the lake with family.
7. How did you first get involved with United Way?
I began volunteering when I moved to Sioux Falls in 1985 as a campaign pledge packet auditor. Best teacher ever….Colleen!!!
8. What’s a unique need or service that you have discovered through your roles with United Way?
I am consistently amazed and so proud of the work that our Community Impact staff and volunteers do in our community. Until I served on the Board, I did not realize fully the amount of work and dedication this team puts in.
9. What would you tell young professional Marie who was just “voluntold” about her new United Way volunteer role?
Take advantage of learning how United Way can leverage your talents and treasures as well as meeting other community leaders.
10. What are you most looking forward to with your role as our Chair for this year?
This year will be challenging from many perspectives and the Sioux Empire United Way staff is so seasoned and forward thinking that I know we will get through this. We are already thinking ‘outside the box’ with ways to support and communicate with our agencies. I try to remember that great things can come from a crisis. Shakespeare wrote his greatest works during the plague.