Joining us on our Board of Directors this year is Jamie Hegge, Vice President of Client Service for Lawrence & Schiller.
How did you get involved with United Way?
Lawrence & Schiller has always been an active United Way supporter and got me involved early on as an employee campaigner and then campaign chair for the L&S team.
What is the top message you relay to companies as a campaigner about United Way's impact in the community?
I reiterate that it’s truly the most efficient investment you can make. With more than 90 cents of every dollar staying right here in Sioux Falls to benefit local programs, it’s the easiest way to help those right in your backyard.
Sioux Empire United Way's Board of Directors have embraced technology and are utilizing an online platforms for meetings. What's a tip or tool you have developed over the last year to successfully participate in the online meeting world?
Always turn your video on – it increases engagement and helps you form relationships in a virtual world. AND, make sure to shut down your email and actively participate. It’s too easy to multi-task when you’re behind your computer.
Can you share some of your local faves?
- Place for a nice dinner? Morrie’s
- Hidden gem? Books & Brews
- Place for a business meeting? Outside without laptops!