We help you help your community!
Sioux Empire United Way's mission is to lead, sustain and nurture a unified, effective response to community needs. Sioux Empire United Way...
Is a community impact organization with a mission to improve lives.
Is the most efficient investment you can make. Nearly 90 cents of every dollar raised goes directly toward local programs and services, one of the lowest administrative costs among all United Ways raising more than $1 million.
Serves an estimated 1 out of every 3 individuals each year in our community through over 75 different programs.
Contributions stay local, benefiting 33 communities in the four county area of Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha and Turner.
Ranks 2nd in the nation in per capita giving, thanks to contributions from 16,000 individuals and 600 businesses.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
We are an equal opportunity employer and we value, champion, and embrace diversity as an integral part of our business. We will strive to ensure that volunteers and staff broadly reflect the diversity of the Sioux Empire.
Equity Statement
Equity is the foundation of our work, from our engagement with donors to investment of community resources and interactions with the public. We define equity as the presence of justice and fairness within the procedures, processes and distribution of resources by institutions or systems. We commit to equity as a core value and practice to advance our mission of connecting people, resources and organizations to create a thriving community for everyone. We are compelled to prioritize historically marginalized and systematically excluded people to end the historical, social and systemic inequities that persist in our community.
We acknowledge that we can only be successful if we recognize, rise up, and support underrepresented populations. United Way is committed to engaging individuals from these communities as partners, donors, and volunteers and intentionally creating pathways for inclusion in leadership roles and decision-making within our own and other organizations. We can only eliminate inequity when all individuals reach their fullest human potential. We maintain building and sustaining equity in our community is an ongoing process that requires commitment to diversity and inclusion that is demonstrated in our organizational culture, values, norms, and behaviors.